Weekly Wildcards #2 - 3D Opalescent Fractal

A Reddit post got me started on this week's wildcard project. I was amazed by the incredible results from Ruined Fooocus, and it's been a really inspiring ride!

Weekly Wildcards #2 - 3D Opalescent Fractal

Every week, I create multiple sets of images using wildcards just for fun and to spark your imagination. I hope this project inspires you to think of fresh and exciting ways to use AI for image creation.

This week's wildcard project took off after I stumbled upon a post by MeatStickMcFapperton on Reddit. I was so intrigued, I couldn't resist trying it out for myself. The moment I started, I was completely blown away by the breathtaking images I was able to generate using Ruined Fooocus. It's been an incredibly exciting and inspiring experience as I added my own twist to some of the images with my gemstone wildcard!

My top 5 3D Opalescent Fractal Cherrypicks!

I slipped in the gemstone to give it a personal flair, and it surprisingly makes them resemble those pretty flower brooches. I have a feeling my mom would adore them, especially because they have that extra bit of sparkle.

Opalescent 3D fractal with a small Alexandrite Gemstone in the center. floralwhite colors with intricate Opulence and Shimmering Nanoparticles, Elaborate Polished Aura Sparkles in Photorealistic Hyperreality. gradient background. Very detailed.
Opalescent 3D fractal with a small Topaz Gemstone in the center. darkorange colors with intricate Opulence and Shimmering Nanoparticles, Elaborate Polished Aura Sparkles in Photorealistic Hyperreality. gradient background. Very detailed.
concept art Opalescent 3D fractal with a small crystal orb in the center. mediumslateblue colors with intricate Opulence and Shimmering Nanoparticles, Elaborate Polished Aura Sparkles in Photorealistic Hyperreality. gradient background. Very detailed.
Opalescent 3D fractal with a small Ruby Gemstone in the center. lawngreen colors with intricate Opulence and Shimmering Nanoparticles, Elaborate Polished Aura Sparkles in Photorealistic Hyperreality. gradient background. Very detailed.
Opalescent 3D fractal with a small Diamond Gemstone in the center. azure colors with intricate Opulence and Shimmering Nanoparticles, Elaborate Polished Aura Sparkles in Photorealistic Hyperreality. gradient background. Very detailed.

Workflow and wildcard files

Here is the complete parameter settings used for this project.

{"Prompt": "Opalescent 3D fractal with a small crystal in the center. rosybrown colors with intricate Opulence and Shimmering Nanoparticles, Elaborate Polished Aura Sparkles in Photorealistic Hyperreality. gradient background. Very detailed. beautiful, dynamic dramatic cinematic perfect light, ambient best, illuminating, sharp focus, peaceful, relaxed, elegant, intricate, fantastic composition, creative, glowing, rich deep color, new classic, stunning epic novel, romantic, inspiring, intriguing, highly detail, professional, lovely, digital artwork, illustrative, painterly, matte painting, highly detailed.", "Negative": "dark, moody, night, monochromatic, washed out, simplistic, minimalism, (plain:1.3), simple, still life, static, still, slow, boring, standing still, calm, well lit, brightly lit, amateurish, sloppy, unattractive, drawing, sketch, frame, watermark, bokeh, blurry, blur, surrealism, camera, anime, cartoon, abstract, illustration, ugly, gritty, photograph, photorealism, signature, autograph, text, words, font, letters", "steps": 5, "cfg": 3, "width": 1280, "height": 768, "seed": 3502838209, "sampler_name": "dpmpp_sde", "scheduler": "karras", "base_model_name": "turbovisionxlSuperFastXLBasedOnNew_tvxlV32Bakedvae.safetensors", "base_model_hash": "1ddaecd4", "loras": "Loras:<None:0.5>,<None:0.5>,<None:0.5>,<None:0.5>,<None:0.5>", "start_step": 0, "denoise": null, "software": "RuinedFooocus"}

Here is the original prompt including the wildcards I used.

Opalescent 3D fractal with a __gemstone__ in the center. __extended-color__ colors with intricate Opulence and Shimmering Nanoparticles, Elaborate Polished Aura Sparkles in Photorealistic Hyperreality. gradient background. Very detailed. beautiful, dynamic dramatic cinematic perfect light, ambient best, illuminating, sharp focus, peaceful, relaxed, elegant, intricate, fantastic composition, creative, glowing, rich deep color, new classic, stunning epic novel, romantic, inspiring, intriguing, highly detail, professional, lovely, digital artwork, illustrative, painterly, matte painting, highly detailed.

Here is the gemstone.txt wildcard file. Place it in Fooocus > wildcards. Or if you use Ruined Fooocus, same thing, place it in the wildcards folder.

The extended-color wildcard should already be in your wildcards folder so you should be good to go for that one!

See all 336 images in the gallery here! Feel free to cherry-pick your own and download as many as you want.

Weekly Wildcard #3 -3D Opalescent Fractal
Weekly Wildcard #3 -3D Opalescent Fractal album hosted in Mind Renders
Like these projects? Be sure to subscribe to me on YouTube and our free newsletter! Let me know of your cool ideas in our comments or join us on Discord here.

This week I wanted to introduce you all to a free and open source AI image viewer I have been using called Bread Board. Now, it has been abandoned for a few months but the software does everything I need it to do for projects like this. It's a whole new article to be honest. But, check it out and try it for yourself. It really is awesome!

I use it to search images and view new images as they come into my folders from Fooocus and other AI image generators. It watches folders in real time and updates automatically as new images arrive and makes a nice little pop sound.

I want to find a way to get this to work online so I can setup a continuous live feed of images publicly. But that is yet to be done and I need to figure out how to make that happen. For now, I just use it locally on my network.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and see you in the next one!